Thinking about seeking advisory opinions?
The CRCC Ethics Committee recommends that you consult with other certified rehabilitation counselors and colleagues who are knowledgeable about ethics before filing a formal request. Not only does this honor the intent of the CRCC Code of Professional Ethics for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors, it also provides an opportunity for you to find a resolution to your situation.
Guidelines for Requesting an Advisory Opinion from the CRCC Ethics Committee
1. If you find the issues you have can’t be resolved by consulting with your peers, you may request advisory opinions from the CRCC Ethics Committee.
2. Follow the guidelines in the following link to request opinions: Guidelines for Requesting an Advisory Opinion
3. Because the opinions rendered are based on limited and unverified information, they should be regarded only as general educational assistance, and not as specific direction in any particular instance.
NOTE: Advisory Opinion requests should not be filed if there is reason to believe that a violation of the Code has occurred. Those attempting to determine if alleged behavior violates the Code may receive a response to a request for an advisory opinion that may later appear to contradict a ruling made if a complaint is actually filed. Advisory opinions do not allow for full disclosure of all available information, and thus, an opinion rendered may appear incongruous with a later action, which will always be based on a complete review of the facts of the case.
It’s important to note that the CRCC Ethics Committee provides advisory opinions on select situations having ethical implications.
Advisory Opinions Issued by the CRCC Ethics Committee
CRCC’s Ethics Committee routinely responds to requests for advisory opinions related to the application of the Code of Professional Ethics for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors.
Advisory Opinions are available for review. These opinions consist of a compilation of (the essence of) questions presented dating back to 1996, as well as the Committee’s response and Code citations.
A convenient index allows you to easily review all opinions relating to a particular Standard of the Code. Not all Standards will have inquiries or advisory opinions.