Earning your credential is an important personal and professional achievement that also has the potential to help raise the visibility and global recognition of our profession.
As a new certificant, you have a unique opportunity to share this important achievement with others, and in doing so, increase their awareness of both the importance and the value of your credential and the profession you serve.

The greater the awareness of your credential, the greater the value to your career. Follow these tips to make sure your credential is recognized.
Display your certificate
Frame and hang your certificate in a high-traffic area of your office.
Post social media updates about your credential
Tell your friends, family, and followers about your new credential on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Accept your Digital CRL Badge
A badge is a digital asset used to communicate a learning achievement or credential. You can share your badges with anyone you’d like, wherever you’d like: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, via email, or embedded in a website. A viewer can click on your badge and will be taken back to Credly to view all the details of your achievement.
Upon earning your certification, you will receive an email from Credly to accept your digital badge.

You’ve Done it!
Celebrate your accomplishment and share the news with friends and colleagues as well as potential future employers. What better way to do this than through popular social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter? Helpful tips and sample postings you can use via your personal social media accounts are provided in the resources below, so you can get the most out of your credential on social media.
Include your credential on your resume
Also include your professional biography and include a brief description about its value.
Include your credential in all communication
Your credential creates a positive image and increases awareness of your professionalism. When discussing what you do for a living, be sure to mention that you are a CRL.
Use the acronym of your credential after your name wherever possible, including:
Business cards
Email signatures
Letters and reports
Memos and faxes
Directories and listings
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter postings
Introduce yourself
At meetings and professional events introduce yourself as a CRL. Speak about your credential and why communities benefit from hiring credentialed professionals.
Send a Press Release to Local Media
Use the CRL Local Press Release Template to share your achievement with the local media.
Email Your Human Resources and Communications Team
Reach out to colleagues in your human resources and communications departments. There may be opportunities to share your having earned or renewed the CRL through your company newsletter, at staff meetings, or through the website or internet. Whether in a corporate, university, or government setting, HR professionals are looking for internal staff news and ways to recognize their achievement and commitment.
Priceless Value
The benefit of certification makes the cost completely worthwhile. Some employers provide professional development support and others may not. CRCC has provided letters of financial support to share with your administrators. These letters will help you make your case for financial support and a substantial return on their investment.
Letter from our Executive Director
Dear Supervisor – Initial Certification
Dear Supervisor – Certification Renewal
Congratulations to our newest CRLs! The credential demonstrates you have the knowledge, experience, and skills to provide the highest quality service to clients. Earning a credential demonstrates an elevated commitment to your professional education—and your community’s welfare.