What is a Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist?
Separately, Certified Rehabilitation Counselors and Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialists are key members of the rehabilitation team of a person with disabilities rehabilitation team. When the person providing the services holds the combined certifications, the outcome for the client is greater. The process of rehabilitation is more effective and efficient.
Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialists provide comprehensive vocational assessment services to consumers with a range of disabilities, education levels, and work experience. The assessment results support job planning and placement. Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialists must demonstrate an understanding of a variety of physical and mental disabilities. They are responsible for administering, scoring, and interpreting an extensive variety of vocational interest, achievement, and psychological tests; conducting community-based assessments of vocational skills and abilities; analyzing medical, psychological, socioeconomic, vocational, and educational information; developing a formal evaluation plan for each client; and creating written reports, which are used make recommendations in relation to employment or other activities. A key purpose of vocational assessment is to enable consumers to make an informed choice. As a result of vocational assessment, individuals should have enhanced self-awareness and vocational decision-making abilities; they have gained knowledge of their own strengths, limitations, and interests, as well as how their abilities and interests correspond to opportunities in the labor market. Identifying barriers and how to address and overcome them are also part of the vocational assessment process.
Certification Options:
Certification helps you be the best you can be. The best employee, the best certified rehabilitation counselor, and the best YOU.