Elevating Workplace Inclusion by Hiring a CRC

Welcome to the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC), where we believe in the power of Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) to drive positive change in the workplace.


By partnering with us, private companies and organizations can tap into a wealth of expertise and resources to promote the hiring of CRCs and foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment for all employees.


Wherever individuals with disabilities work, that’s where a CRC should be. 


Who Are Certified Rehabilitation Counselors?


Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) are nationally accredited, graduate-level specialists who help individuals with all types of disabilities–physical, cognitive, mental–define their vocational potential, and achieve fulfilling, independent lives.

CRCs apply a holistic, evidence-based approach and the highest ethical standards to understand how their clients’ abilities impact their lives. CRCs systematically assess and evaluate individuals with disabilities to identify strengths and maximize abilities, working collaboratively with clients to cultivate successful, long-term careers, and participate fully in all aspects of their lives.

CRCs help individuals with disabilities achieve their personal and professional goals, build greater self-efficacy and autonomy, develop a sense of belonging within their communities, and live fully integrated lives.


Pillars of Collaboration

Expert Guidance and Support

Certified Rehabilitation Counselors bring specialized knowledge and skills to the table, providing expert guidance and support to both employers and employees. From navigating workplace accommodations to promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives, CRCs serve as invaluable resources for addressing disability-related challenges and fostering a culture of accessibility and respect.

Enhanced Employee Well-Being and Inclusion

By promoting the hiring of CRCs, companies can enhance the well-being of their employees and create a more supportive work environment. CRCs offer individualized support and counseling services to employees with disabilities, helping them overcome barriers, maximize their potential, and thrive in their roles.

Legal Compliance and Risk Mitigation

With ever-evolving legal regulations and requirements related to disability accommodation and inclusion, companies can rely on CRCs to ensure compliance and mitigate risk. CRCs stay up-to-date on relevant laws and regulations, providing guidance on best practices and helping companies navigate complex legal issues related to disability in the workplace.

Get to Know CRCC


Who is CRCC?

The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) credentials graduate-level certified rehabilitation counselors (CRCs) in comprehensive, evidence-based, and ethical practices to equip youth and adults with every type of disability to live self-sufficient lives.


How does CRCC serve the disability advocacy community?

CRCC empowers individuals with disabilities to cultivate successful lives through a dynamic certification program that tests and credentials rehabilitation counselors who help clients identify strengths and maximize their abilities.


What is CRCC’s Impact?

CRCC champions long-term, high-quality careers for individuals with disabilities to build greater selfefficacy and autonomy, gain personal, and professional confidence and develop a sense of belonging
within their communities.

How CRCs Impact Employers and Employees


Facilitating Accommodations

CRCs assist employers in identifying and implementing reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities, ensuring equal access to opportunities and promoting a level playing field for all employees.


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

By championing diversity and inclusion initiatives, CRCs help companies create a more welcoming and inclusive work environment, where employees of all backgrounds and abilities feel valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.


Increasing Productivity and Retention

Through their support and advocacy efforts, CRCs help employees with disabilities overcome barriers and maximize their potential, leading to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and retention rates within the company.


Reducing Liability and Turnover

By addressing the unique needs of employees with disabilities and providing ongoing support, CRCs help reduce turnover rates and ensure employers are meeting all requirements to accommodations and accessibility required by law, saving companies time and resources associated with recruitment and training.


Let's Collaborate!

If you’re interested in hiring a CRC or learning more about what Certified Rehabilitation Counselors can offer your organization, reach out to us today!

Click the button below to connect with our Communications and Marketing Manager and we will follow up with you shortly.