crc Renewal

All certification renewals must be completed through your CRCCCONNECT. Online renewal applications are available approximately 4 months prior to the certification “valid-through” date.

View or Print CRC/CCRC Criteria for Certification Renewal and Continuing Education Guide.


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Submit CE

Submit Application & Pay

Congrats! You have renewed

The continuing education requirement:

  • 100 hours of continuing education, including a minimum of 10 hours in Ethics – must be completed within the current five-year period.
  • Two types of CE

Pre-approved – submitted without additional fees

Post-approved – $18 fee per activity (due at time of submission – if not paid, CE will deleted in 7 days)

Featured Providers

American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners (AAPLCP)

Sandra Contreras

Assistive Technology Industry Association

Caroline Van Howe

CareerSmart Learning

Diana Bravo

Center on Community Living and Careers, Indiana Institute on Disability & Community, Indiana University

Cecilia Buckley

Illinois Institute for Rehabilitation and Employment Research (IIRER)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Xiaolei Tang, Ph.D., CRC

Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute

Jennifer Gundlach-Klatts

Stroud Vocational Expert Services

Marilyn Stroud

Background Check

Obtaining a Criminal Background Check

CRCC requires individuals to respond to various questions relating to character and violations of the law. A prior conviction for violating any law, statute, or ordinance will not automatically preclude an individual from being determined eligible to seek certification or recertification. However, CRCC will deem an individual to be ineligible for initial certification or recertification if he/she has not completed parole, probation, or any other terms or conditions imposed by any court in conjunction with a conviction, a suspended imposition of a sentence, or other sentencing alternatives. Convictions include guilty pleas and pleas of “no contest.”

If an individual discloses violations of laws, statutes, or ordinances, CRCC requires court documentation or a criminal background check identifying the charges raised and sentencing status/disposition of those charges. The documentation must address whether the individual has met all conditions imposed by the court and paid all fees, if applicable. Severity of the crime and length of time since the incident are all taken into consideration.

If court documentation is not available, you are required to submit to a criminal background check through CRCC’s authorized provider, Justifacts, with all fees paid by you.

Click here to learn more about  the criminal background check.

When you receive your completed criminal background check from Justifacts, you must upload the report via your account on CRCCCONNECT.