CRCC believes that individuals certified as rehabilitation counselors (CRC or CCRC) or vocational assessment professionals (CVE, CWA, or CCAA) must continue to expand their skills to enhance the quality of services they provide.

For new providers, click here to utilize our video tutorials.

Rehabilitation Counseling

  • To maintain certification, CRCs must renew their certification every 5 years via continuing education (CE) or re-examination.
  • The continuing education requirement prescribes that 100 hours of continuing education—including a minimum of 10 hours in ethics—must be completed within the current 5 year period.
  • CRCC qualifies all continuing education submissions for approval and accumulation toward certification renewal.

Vocational Evaluation and Assessment

  • To maintain certification, CVEs, CWAs, or CCAAs must renew their certification every 5 years via continuing education.
  • The continuing education requirement prescribes that 80 hours of continuing education must be completed within the current five-year period. Effective March 2022, all CVEs will be required to have 5 hours in ethics. The total CE requirements will remain at 80 hours; 5 of the 80 hours must be in ethics.
  • CRCC qualifies all continuing education submissions for approval and accumulation toward certification renewal.

Preapproved CE Provider Benefits

The benefits of becoming a preapproved CE Provider with CRCC include your organization name and contact information included in CRCC’s list of CE Providers with Preapproved Programs and allow for direct promotion of the program to CRCs and CCRCs. Preapproved Programs are also listed for CVE, CWA, and CCAAs.

Organizations providing continuing education may choose to have their programs preapproved by CRCC. The CE Preapproval Manual provides full details about approval categories and requirements, the approval process, relevant fees, and all corresponding applications.

If you wish to become a new provider, please contact CRCC.

CE Preapproval Benefits

CRCC’s preapproval process assures that high-quality CE programs are being offered to enhance individual expertise to better serve the client population and to help qualify for certification renewal.

CRCC preapprovals are valid for 12 consecutive months from the program date, regardless of calendar year. Programs must be renewed to qualify in subsequent periods.

Featured CE Providers

CRCC preapproved providers have the option of being listed as a CRCC CE Featured Provider with a link to their website, providing easy access for potential learners. The listing can also include the provider’s logo.  You can access the CRCC CE Featured Provider application here. 


American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners (AAPLCP)

Sandra Contreras

Assistive Technology Industry Association

Caroline Van Howe

CareerSmart Learning

Diana Bravo

Center on Community Living and Careers, Indiana Institute on Disability & Community, Indiana University

Cecilia Buckley

Illinois Institute for Rehabilitation and Employment Research (IIRER)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Xiaolei Tang, Ph.D., CRC

Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute

Jennifer Gundlach-Klatts

Stroud Vocational Expert Services

Marilyn Stroud


CRCC Mailing List Rental

Mailing list rental can be purchased by CE Providers promoting continuing education activities.



CE Providers FAQ

When are providers charged a late fee?

Any application that is not submitted more than 30 days prior to the start of the training will be charged the $125 late fee. The $125 late fee will be charged at the time a program/activity is submitted for approval.

Can I submit a program/activity for approval after the training has started or completed?
No. CRCC does not issue retroactive approvals. This rule applies to new programs/activities and renewals.
What qualifies a program/activity to be renewed and not a new program?

A program/activity can be renewed if there is no change in title, content, or credits requested. Conferences cannot be renewed. Webinars cannot be renewed.

Why do webinars and webcasts (recorded presentations) have to have separate approvals?

Webinars are live, real-time presentations that allow participants to interact with the presenters and other participants.

A webcast does not allow for participants to interact with others. Participants completing a webcast are required to complete a post-activity test or quiz on the content. The number of questions is related to the number of credits being requested.

Can an organization submit a program/activity for approval on behalf of another provider?
The sponsoring organization is responsible for planning the program/activity. The sponsoring organization determines the appropriate content to meet the needs of participants and is also responsible for the certificates issued to participants. An organization that is hosting the content cannot submit a program/activity for approval. Hosting an event does not meet the requirements to be the CE provider.
The training changed dates after the application was submitted to CRCC and approved. Do I need to contact CRCC?
Approvals are good for one year. If the training is held within the one-year period of the approval, you do not need to notify CRCC.
Why do I need to wait to give out the certification of completion until the end of the training?
Certificants can enter an approval number one time for credit. If you are offering a training that occurs over a longer period of time, such as a few weeks or months, you need to wait until the training is over to give all participants their certificates of completion.

This includes trainings that providers renew annually. If a certificant completes a training that a provider has renewed and it has the same approval number, the certificant will only be able to claim credit for the activity one time only.

An individual who attended a training receives an error message when they are reporting their CE credits to CRCC. What should I tell the individual to do?
A certificant will receive an error message if the date they completed the training is outside of the approval period, if they have already claimed credit using the approval number, or if they entered the approval number incorrectly. The individual should contact CRCC for assistance.
Who signs the verification of completion form for the CE Provider?
The individual signing the form is responsible for verifying the individual completed the training, met the requirements to earn credits, and the number of credits awarded. The verification of completion form does not have to be signed by a CRC or CVE.

If a CRC or CVE signs the form AND also attends that same training, they need to have another individual sign their verification of completion form.

When a CRC or CVE enters hours in their account, what information do they have to submit?

Certificants type the approval number to add the credits to their CE Report. The next step requires the person to enter the date the training was completed and number of credits earned. (See image below). The system will show what was approved as the maximum number of credits for the course; the person will need to type what they actually earned in the Requested box. This is especially important if the person is claiming less that the maximum number of credits approved for the activity. If the training was approved for multiple types of credit (general, ethics, or professional development), all credits must be entered at the same time. Individuals will not be able to log in and modify their credits once they click the Save button.

Add CE (Pre-Approved) Form Fields

How long must providers maintain records?
CE Providers must maintain documentation for 5 years. This includes learning objectives, evaluation forms, and documentation of who completed the training.